There are two ways to play on-line. You can either use the "HMS Freeverse" from within Burning Monkey Puzzle Lab's menus or launch the GameRanger application and play-on line over the GameRanger server.
Playing on the HMS Freeverse:
To play on-line using the HMS Freeverse game server, launch Burning Monkey Puzzle Lab and click on the Network Play option. This will switch back to your Finder view and bring up the HMS Freeverse window. Choose a screen name and, if you haven't registered yet, leave the Guest option checked and click the Embark button.
Once you've logged onto the HMS Freeverse you'll see your name appear in a list of names on the left. This list shows the names of the players logged in, their rank or status as a guest, and what game they're currently playing.
To host a game of Burning Monkey Puzzle Lab just click the Host button in the lower right area of the HMS Freeverse window, type in a name for your hosted game in the window that appears. Only use the password if you want to play with people who will know the password, (like friends you've agreed to meet on-line). Click OK, and you'll see your game name appear in the list of games on the right of the window. Now you'll need to wait until someone joins your game. When they do, you'll switch back to Burning Monkey Puzzle Lab's versus play window where you'll be able to choose your character and chat with your opponent.
Playing on GameRanger:
You'll need to go to to download the GameRanger application. Once you've downloaded the application and received your code, run GameRanger. Select "Gather Game" from under the "Chat" menu. Then select Burning Monkey Puzzle Lab from the pull-down menu of games.
When someone joins your game, the "Start" button will be enabled. Press the button and BMPL will launch automatically.